Redefining Consulting for 30 Years
Consulting and Testing Services
We help our clients achieve peace of mind by providing the expertise they need to maintain compliance with the complex laws that govern regulated and hazardous materials or conditions.
Services :
- Hazard Condition Assessments
- Pre-demolition/Renovation Building and Facilities “Good Faith” Surveys – Asbestos, Lead, PCB, and Other Hazardous Materials
- AHERA Inspections/Re-inspections and Operations and Maintenance in Public and Private Schools
- Abatement Project Management – Inspection and Audit of Contractor Paperwork
- Onsite Air Monitoring and Analysis
- Specifications and Project Design
- Employee Awareness Training
Indoor air quality is a constantly changing interaction of complex factors and a major concern to businesses, building managers, tenants, and employees because it can impact the health, comfort, well being and productivity of building occupants.
Services :
- Compliance Monitoring
- Clearance Testing
- Radon Testing
- VOC Testing
- Particulate Testing
Pacific Rim Environmental Industrial Hygienist team provides onsite, site-specific workplace industrial hygiene assessments to help employers maintain a safe and health workplace, free of recognized hazards. Our industrial hygienists are trained to anticipate, recognize, and evaluate workplace stressors, such as heat, noise, and biological, chemical, and physical hazards. Providing employers with exposure data and other information gathered during onsite assessments helps companies maintain compliance with occupational health and safety standards.
Services :
- Certified Industrial Hygienist on Staff
- Indoor Air Quality Investigations and Engineering Solutions
- Hazard Communications Assessment and Management
- Drinking Water Investigations for Lead and Legionella
- Microbial Investigations, Remediation Work Plans and Oversight
- Chemical Safety, Handling and Disposal
- Sick Building Syndrome
- Awareness Training
As Owners and Management Teams deal with the complications of business operations in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, the health and safety of their employees and customers is a primary concern. PacRim’s environmental team is ready to assist employers to ensure that workers and customers return to a clean and healthy work place.
We are doing this by offering our newest service RISS – Re-Occupancy Inspection & Sampling Service.
Services :
- Surface and Air Testing for SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) by qPCR
- Covid-19 in the Workplace Prevention Plans
- Health and Safety Plan Modifications to include Covid-19 Information
- Surface Sampling to validate current housekeeping practices
- Review of Current Cleaning Practices, including cleaning chemical uses
- Building Water Systems Management Plans (Lead, Legionella)
- Customized OSHA and WAC Employee Safety Training
- Industrial Hygiene Monitoring and Audits
- Workplace Safety Monitoring and Audits
Our in-house Asbestos laboratory, gives us complete control over all aspects of sample analysis and turn-around time, resulting in a superior level of quality. Our PLM lab is accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP Lab Code: 101631-0) and takes part in proficiency rounds, ensuring our customers the very best in analytical precision and accuracy. Our lab also offers XRF testing and analysis of suspect lead-based paint (LBP) chips.
Services :
- Asbestos Bulk Sample Analysis
- Asbestos Air Sample Analysis
- Lead Chip Sample Analysis
PacRim can assist you in obtaining Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) building certification credits for your project
Services :
- Documentation of asbestos abatement and removal
- Documentation of universal waste removal
Mold spores are commonly found in the air inside buildings and on most surfaces, including clothes, walls and furniture. Most spores found indoors originate from outdoor sources. Problems occur with mold growth, which is usually caused by moisture intrusion (e.g., failure in building envelope, leaking pipe, etc.).
Services :
- General Bio-remediation Contamination Inspections
- Analysis and Identification
- Corrective Action Plans
- Remediation Monitoring Programs
- Operations and Maintenance
- Compliance Monitoring
PacRim’s safety compliance services allow our team to assist in your project safety monitoring. We can provide additional staff for short- or long-term projects when you need a “safety person” on the site. Our OSHA 30 trained staff can meet the requirements as a Competent Person for your project. All employees are First Aid/CPR certified
Services :
- Onsite Safety Monitor
- Site Specific Safety Plans
- All employees are First Aid/CPR certified.
- Awareness Training
Successfully completed projects